Sales growth from improved sales force performance

Peter Drucker
is quoted as saying, “Good marketing makes selling unnecessary”.
What he actually said was, "The aim of marketing is to know and understand the customer so well the product or service fits him and sells itself"... which is just as profound.
Our leading edge strategists apply marketing science (from business schools around the world) to sales management, combined with the benefit of hard-earned grey hair, and a ‘bucket-load’
of street-wise, common sense.
Experts can quickly audit your Marketing. identify opportunities and introduce methods you should find improve your selling and sales performance!
The payback is maximum return on investment from sales and marketing spending; saving, and making you, more money.
Tearing Down the Silos Between Sales & Marketing - Create Synergy, Alignment & Engagement
There is no more important issue in sales management than making sure every sales executive ‘fires’ at optimal level all the time.
Investing in professional sales training courses or training days can be expensive, eat into precious selling time, and ‘wear off’ after training...
While sales training is essential, so is putting sales people in front of prospects who want to buy, not reluctantly, but enthusiastically!
Sure, we can recommend sales training service providers, but when we super-charge your sales leads, your sales people last longer, work happier, become more
cost efficient, dedicated, productive, and inspiring to all staff, as well as customers.
Get Started Now
Increase Sales with Proper Marketing
The science of “marketing” evolved because it was the discipline that made sales happen. Economics couldn’t explain. Accounting couldn’t predict.
Finance couldn’t pioneer... “Marketing” was able to find out why sales progressed, and how to reproduce sales successes."
The Proven Methods that Globally Successful Corporations Have Used for Decades
In the 60’s Marketing 'science' was really born… and practical, industry-sponsored studies quickly identified key models and
concepts that became cornerstone to modern commercial success: Everyday-tools of business strategists and marketing directors of
successful companies around the world. A database of all the profit-making secrets was even built, called “The PIMS Database”
(Profit Impact of Marketing Strategies).
The PIMS database closed down within two decades of starting, because companies recognised the information they
supplied for intellectual property that gave away there sustainable competitive advantage. NOW, it resides in the knowledge bank of inner
sanctum strategists, some older practitioners and consultants that know their 'stuff'.
Professional Sales Teams DESERVE Expert Marketing Help
organisations that think 'marketing' is organising advertising, or another word for selling,
won't find sales come easy as Business to Business management demands PIMS know-how in marketing,
planning & strategy... just to start with. Learn More>>
In those companies, where Marketing is perceived to be the provider of PR, announcements, meetings, product training,
brochure-ware, web support etc. leave the sales team desperately short of ammunition, which is the root of animosity and silo creation!
Marketing is NOT advertising and promotion - and people that insist otherwise do so to 'sell' you something:
If that is ALL 'marketing' is, then who looks after...
- what accounts, industries and channels to sell to, and why,
- what tactics to use to outsell competitors,
- what new products should be developed, and when, and how, and why
- how to price, package, position and manage the whole product portfolio
- what the optimal customer oriented Value Proposition should be,
- what forecasted sales to expect for production and financial management,
- what business problems to anticipate and how to deal with them if they arise
- how to help the sales force excel, with what type of sales support that WILL WORK
In different organisations these may or may not provided by 'marketing'. Despite 100 years of empirical study, sometimes
'marketing' departments don't even employ a single marketing-qualified employee!
[For the Definition of Marketing CLICK HERE]
Sales executives are (almost without exception) the highest marketing promotional cost.
Are you REALLY
doing everything possible to maximise the return you get from that expenditure?
"Don't talk to me about marketing... just get out there and sell!" Herman Izenberg,
Sales Director of Remington Office Machines, 2 years before its doors closed after a 35 year existence.
The old school is dying out, but still taking some casualties with it as it goes.
Latest indicators are that 70% of successfully completed sales contacts now come from inbound marketing contacts, not outbound!
What does it mean?
It means telemarketing, cold calling, pressure selling, and direct marketing are becoming less effective.
The internet, social media and word-of-mouth is becoming the dominant means of establishing business contact.
When we help you understand buyer behaviour, and develop marketing insight into buying processes, you'll slingshot your sales into a whole new universe of possibilities.
Get salespeople selling
Ways To Stimulate Profit & Sales Growth
There are over 100 pages on this site, dealing with everything from Corporate Marketing Governance
and Productivity and Efficiency, down to detailed information on Viral Marketing,
Brand Management and great advertising.
Services you might benefit from include:
- Full Market Research Services - The best of the best... PhD's, globally revered experts, ex-agency Research Directors, academics. Just ask!
- Interim Marketing Managers - Highly skilled, networked to the hilt, ready-to-go!
- Marketing Planning.
Bookmark the LE sitemap as a
reference resource when you need to access some in-depth reliable Strategic Marketing information.