Leadership Empowerment provides Launch Engineering

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Contemporary Ways to Attack New Product Development & Launch, Marketing Governance, Change Management & Strategy

Ideas Mean Change

Ideas mean changeTo create something new, you take people into a space they haven't been before... You evoke change... Regardless of whether it is new product development & launch, or a new business direction, or a new idea, or approach, or process, or anything creating a new capability... these disciplines intertwine around a key, common denominator: "People".

Awareness. Knowledge. Interest. Liking. Intention to buy... without alignment, employee engagement, customer engagement & preference, stakeholder engagement & commitment, Marketing (the management of exchange) cannot happen.

Launch Engineering helps leaders inspire people to do great things; to empower people with knowledge & advice, creating culture & a means of "doing"; equipping them with proven methods honed from decades of experience, benchmarks from a variety of B2C & B2B industries, and the sophisticated methods & findings of successful companies from around the world... studied, analysed and documented by the world's leading business schools and academic authorities.

Market Research

Market Segments, Competition Analysis, Brand preference, Customer Experience, Brand Equity, Conjoint Analysis, Employee Engagement, Deficiency Studies, User Experience

Product Launch

Innovation Type, Category Type, Product Analysis, Pricing Strategy, Portfolio Management, Life Cycle, Gap Analysis, Purchase Cycle, Lead User Dynamics, Marketing Communications


Digital, Anologue, Sales, PR, Publicity, Discounting, Sales Promotions, SEO, SMM, CRO, PPC, Content, Email, Telemarketing, Advertising, WOM, NPS

Marketing Mix

Pricing, Processes, People, Positioning, Politics (internal Marketing), Product, Promotion (Marketing Communications), Distribution

Structuring a Mktg. Dept.

Balancing skills, knowledge, talent, creativity, analytical clout, wisdom, training, ability and experience.

Idyllic Marketing Management

Key Factors that Determine how to Successfully Launch Products, Change or Business Strategies

Ideally, your people always KNOW do their jobs really well. They know the operational factors that contribute to successful product development & launch, brand management, channel management, pricing, marketing communications, packaging & positioning. They use their own initiative and make the most optimal decisions possible.

However, in reality, some things just don’t work like they “should”. Some issues can be overlooked or unseen. New tasks, new technology, new competition, new market needs or other change can present as seemingly insurmountable problems. Sometimes, it can be something else, holding your organisation back…

Empowering Your Organisation with Holistic Integrated Marketing Management

What is "Holistic Integrated Marketing" Management?

Holistic Integrated Marketing is the combined implementation of all eight components of the Marketing Mix. (If you're unfamiliar with these , go to The Definition of Marketing, and come back to read on).

  1. Proven models, methods and techniques used by the world’s most successful corporations
  2. Advanced academic findings & knowledge identified by business schools around the world Business to Succeed
  3. Adopting breakthrough new guidelines for strategic marketing...
    1. The Hierarchies of Marketing
    2. Setting P.E.E.R.S.M.A.R.T. strategic guidelines
    3. The Law of Diminishing Brand Loyalty
  4. Adopting the Commercial Application of Managerial and Strategic Marketing Science from Life Cycle, and
  5. Drive and determination to see your organisation lead in its desired category, market and/or industry..

Aspects of Holistic Integrated Marketing Management

Holistic Integrated Marketing Management integrates and coordinates the "People Factor" so the outcomes, that leaders want to happen, actually happens...

Improvement Effect Issues Benefit
Engagement & Alignment Employees try harder. Supervisors make better decisions. Productivity growth
Strategic Planning Clear sense of purpose & direction. Fosters initiative. Reduced costs
Monitoring & Control Adherence to target budgets. Responsive action without delay. Optimised Efficiency
Human Resources Higher morale, Lower staff turnover. Less HR overhead. Lower overheads
Innovation More flexibility, lower risk, better decision-making. Higher Competitive Advantage
The Whole Organisation Optimal operational performance Best possible ROSF

Marketing Planning and Strategy

Corporate Marketing Planning includes Information Management, Internal Marketing, Pricing Strategy, and more...

Avoid Digital Hype - The Internet is NOT "Marketing"

Properly planned and integrated into marketing planning, , sensibly implemented and managed, good digital decsions will measurably contribute to profit...

Want help to make sure that happens profitably? Call 02 8011 4355, or CLICK BELOW .

H.I.M ensures the Right Tactics to quash YOUR Individual problems and build a platform for outstanding results.

Or WEBMAIL your request for more information, a call, or to meet with a qualified expert on a no-obligation basis, fill out the form below...



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Ideal Outcome You Require

More Ways For You to Fine-Tune & Improve Business

There are over 100 pages on this site, dealing with everything from Brand Management and great advertising, down to detailed information on Innovation & Marketing, Marketing Training, Pricing Strategy and New Product Launch tactics. Services you might benefit from include:

Bookmark the LE sitemap as a reference resource when you need to access some in-depth reliable strategic Marketing information.

Leading Edge Marketing Strategy, Planning & Market Research Consultants
11 York Street, Sydney NSW 2000 Australia
© 2016 Launch Engineering Pty Ltd   Tel: 61-2-8011 4355