Corporate Marketing & Strategic Business Experts

CONSULTANTS THAT 'KNOW THEIR STUFF'... commercially, academically, pragmatically.

Strategic Marketing & Business management experts at your disposal

Corporate Marketing and Strategic Business Consultants, Sydney AustraliaIt only takes a few minutes of dialogue for you to know you're experiencing world quality guidance when you meet with the leading edge strategy experts that form this consultancy.

Their decades of practical experience, the stats & facts they'll nonchalantly drop within minutes of getting into problem-solving, will create a feeling of confidence, while at the same time inspire enthusiasm and optimism towards activity to come.

Of course, meeting with individuals who have their own, outstanding actual successes at product launch, corporate performance improvement and marketing management, helps.

Benchmark knowledge in B2C, B2B, FMCG, Banking & Finance, Energy & Mining, Hospitality & Tourism, Services, ... and other industries our experts have contributed to, in a positive and profit-generating way, while impressive, is not as important as the original thought, individual assessment and unique problem-solving that created the slogan "Part Art. Part Science."

Global Authorities in their Specialist Fields

Our principal consultants are leaders in their respective fields; presenting at seminars, speaking at industry functions or lecturing at Universities. They've written books, articles and papers, and inspired many professionals in Marketing and Management throughout their careers.

Additionally, the firm is networked with other experts, who we've recruited as associate consultants, to deliver specialist skills at the highest standard in their selected fields. Usually PhD's (or almost PhD's), these experts embellish the services we can deliver, ensuring you get the best advice in the world, or close to it!

If you want to truly want to access genuinely qualified & legitimately expert advice, click this button now for prompt attention.

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Leading Edge Marketing & Strategy Experts

Leigh Cowan - B Commerce - Marketing (UNSW), Grad. Dip Strategic Planning (London City University)

With over 35 years as marketing executive, reaching Marketing Director level & Senior Account Director in agency, Leigh has extensive experience in, & led many brands along, the path to 'leap-frog' success.

Most Australians are familiar with the many brands Leigh has participated in launching and making a success... My Dog, Cepacol, Mersyndol, Selsun Blue, Nutella, Gerber and Bush's Pet Foods... to name a few. He has prepared marketing plans for 3M, CSR, Colly Cotton, AGL, TNT, King Gee, Federal Publishing, the AMA and other significant businesses.

In 1987 the marketing industry recognised Leigh’s profound efforts with accreditation as an Associate Fellow to the Australian Marketing Institute. B&T magazine selected Leigh for it's inaugural “Marketing Profile” in 1991.

His old Alumni, UNSW invited him the teaching the Masters of Marketing degree in the mid 90's. In the mid 2000's, Leigh lectured in Marketing Management & Planning at UTS Graduate School of Business in the MBA degree and capstone undergraduate course.

Most recently he has helped gain global distribution for a FMCG brand, developed pre-launch product development with an innovation in high density property management, worked on a successful IPO for a mining investment company and executed pre-launch appraisals in hardware and industrial markets.

Leigh is also an entertaining & passionate presenter. He speaks regularly to audiences that include the FMCG Summit held a Macquarie Graduate School of Marketing, is Product Launch training courses to large international companies, and individual industry associations.

Contact Leigh on 02 8011 4355 to discuss how LE can contribute to your success or click here to email Leigh.

Contact Leigh Cowan

Michael (Mike) Crisp - B Business - Marketing (UTS)

Mike Crisp has over 35 years industry and work experience spanning market research, strategic planning, business intelligence and tertiary education.

He has become a world leader in data analysis - a data scientist collaboratively leading marketers with cutting edge interpretation of the numbers to drive insight and business results.

Coming from an applied business background he has extensive experience in database/data warehouse software design, installation and application. His market research and statistical background provide the skills necessary to not only develop data analysis models and systems but to analyse and exploit them to their fullest potential.

Michael has extensive experience in the areas of Project Management, Customer Segmentation and Value Management, Statistical Analysis, Data Cleansing, Longitudinal Data Analysis and Management Reporting Systems.

Mike's many years of experience in diverse industries has given him a rich base of skills. Michael Crisp's past employers and clients include IBM Australia, Leo Burnett, National Australia Bank, Mercantile Mutual, ING Bank, Sun Alliance, Astra Pharmaceuticals, TAFE NSW and the University of Technology, Sydney.

Mike has spent recent years helping banks in Thailand and other parts of South East and East Asia, global manufacturers, in diverse industries, and Australian corporations such as Australia Post, Caltex and Sun Corp, just to name a few.

In addition to his industry experience he maintains strong academic links with the Universities, after years of lecturing to Post Graduate Students in the subject area of Marketing Information Management and E-Business Marketing.

Michael Crisp is also co-author of one of Australia 's largest selling Market Research Textbooks - "Market Research - An Applied Orientation" - Prentice Hall 1997.

Contact Mike on 02 8011 4355 to discuss how LE can contribute to your success or click here to email Mike.

Contact Mike Crisp

Bradley Keeling

For over 35 years Bradley Keeling has worked in marketing services - building businesses, brands and products. A marketing expert in target-audience marketing, he cut his teeth in the world of fast moving consumer goods, through product sampling and direct marketing services. (In 1985 along with Leigh, Brad was invited to present to P&G, Lever Bros & Colgate Inc and Carnation Inc. on advanced product sampling methods.)

Bradley Keeling's experience spans: high volume packaged goods; mass market consumer services; direct mail marketing; and retailing, for companies including The Franklin Mint, Imagineering, Strathfield Car Radios and One.Tel.

Brad Keeling is well known for his involvement with One.Tel, which he co-founded in the early 90's. One.Tel was, all other things aside, an enormous marketing success. It became a household name in the telecommunications sector in Australia , and is still a highly successful business in the United Kingdom and parts of Europe and Asia.

Brad focuses his attention on new technology, with a keen interest and involvement in mobile phone telecommunication development.

Brad Keeling is now firmly recognised as a social media expert, regarded as an industry leader in the realm of Social Media Marketing.

Contact Brad on 02 8011 4355 to discuss how LE can contribute to your success or click here to email Brad.

Contact Bradley Keeling

Michael Stovin-Bradford - B Business - Marketing (UTS)

Michael Stovin-Bradford has a career founded on Sales, Trade Marketing and Marketing experience from working with Unilever, Pizza Hut and Simplot, developing passion and talent in Promotions Marketing.

Honing skills with leading Sales Promotion Agency, Creative Sales in the 80's, Michael progressed with his own agency, Public Notices, growing organically, and by merger, for 16 years.

Responsive to innovation & change, Michael embraced digital marketing solutions testing new forms of cutting-edge sales promotions e-transformation and empowering clients with efficient, profitable, and often unique, digital platforms.

A past member of MAAW, past Chairperson of APMA and currently a judge of the local APMA Awards and Globes, Michael is also a guest lecturer at various Promotion Marketing courses.

As part of the Launch Engineering team, Michael brings valuable expertise and knowledge to assist clients.

Contact Michael Stovin-Bradford on 02 8011 4355 to discuss how LE can contribute to your success or click here to email Michael.

Contact Michael Stovin-Bradford

Associate Marketing Consulting Experts

The newspapers call them "boffins from University" but we actually have a team of people who have made a mark on the world in their chosen fields such as probability, marketing research methodology, loyalty, retailing, sales promotions, e-marketing, international marketing, etc, whom we employ when clients need a niche specialist. (Admittedly most have PhD after their names - but ALL have a mandatory 25 years practical experience - a credential we demand from our consultants.)

C-Level Consulting

Consultants who have sat on Boards of Management, experienced and seasoned as Directors of Public companies, and who have delivered strategic direction for $1B+ businesses, are an asset to any corporate C-Level executive. With the added training of MBA teaching, this means real streetwise advice you can rely upon.

I.P. Protection

Launch Engineering treats all information shared in discussions, as strictly confidential. Sensitive information is kept completely secure, from any parties outside the management team and consultants working on the client’s business. Preliminary inquirers enjoy the same strict respect for their confidentiality as our paying clients and no parties will be privy to any conversations without the consent of the principals concerned.

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